Biodiversity in the Workplace Photo Competition Winners Announced
Hannah Davies
Vet Sustain are delighted to reveal the winner and runners up for their ‘Biodiversity in the Workplace’ photo competition which ran throughout September. After receiving a number of fantastic submissions, the Directors chose Kay Eminson’s submission from Debenham Veterinary Practice as their overall winner.
Kay’s photo captures the wild flower garden at their veterinary practice in Suffolk which is maintained by Jade, Debenham’s practice owner. Jade puts a lot of effort into maintaining this wildlife garden promoting biodiversity through a wild flower meadow and bee keeping.

Winner: Kay Eminson
Vet Sustain Director Laura Higham said ‘We were really impressed with all the entries but after discussion the Directors felt that Kay’s entry showed what is achievable within the grounds of your veterinary practice to support nature and biodiversity. We loved the vibrant colours and differing species within the photo, well done to Kay and the team at Debenham Veterinary Practice for creating such a lovely wild space’.
Runners up were Hannah Kenway from the Isle of Wight who captured a picture of sheep grazing a diverse pasture on a misty morning; and Sonja Craddock showcasing the bee garden at Anderson Moores Veterinary Specialists.

Runner Up: Hannah Kenway

Runner Up: Sonja Craddock
Congratulations to our winner and runners up - who will all receive a sustainability title from 5m Publishing!
Promoting biodiversity and well-functioning ecosystems is critical for a sustainable future; sustaining air, freshwater and soil to support the health and prosperity of humans, animals and the environmental. We have, and are experiencing a huge decline in global biodiversity with 68% decrease in population sizes of mammals, birds, amphibians, reptiles and fish over the last 45 years[1]. As veterinary professionals, with our unique understanding of the complex interactions between humans, animals and the ecosystem, we are in a privileged position to have a positive impact in promoting biodiversity. These photos highlight some of the simple actions that can be taken at work or at home and ways in which we can educate others in the importance of protecting our wonderful natural environments.
[1] WWF, (2020) Living Planet Report 2020- Bending the curve of biodiversity loss. [online]. Available from: Accessed 17/10/2023.